Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Super Mario World Days: 2-4

           How am I this bad at Super Mario World? I keep asking myself this question as I die over and over again.  After each death I find myself getting more and more frustrated with this classic.  Now it’s to the point where I’m starting to dislike Super Mario World all together.  Once that previous thought occurred, I started to question my creditability as a gamer.
            After all Super Mario World is unanimously one of the greatest games of all time and there’s a possibility that I don’t like it.  Does that reflect the game or me?  Is my opinion even allowed or will all of my readers scoff at that thought?  I know that’s a weird question.  But compare this to film aficionado disliking the Godfather or Shawshank Redemption.  Frankly I want to love Super Mario World and every time I play, it becomes harder to love.
            Before you sharpen your spears or ready the giant mobs allow me to explain.  I had this friend in high school, Austin, who was truly terrible at Halo multiplayer and was every match’s constant cannon fodder, yet he still loved Halo. He just enjoyed the experience of hopping into a warthog or grabbing the rocket launcher despite each brutal death he endured.  Don’t worry, I am going somewhere with this.  I felt like I was Austin when it came to Super Mario World.  This game was abusing me, after all I’m quite terrible at any sort of platformer, and yet I didn’t want to stop.  I had some great affiliation for what Super Mario World was supposed to be, now it’s getting to the point where I want to stop.

            I don’t know if I can continue.  I’m currently on World 4 and it’s beating the hell out of me.  I can’t seem to get past Cookie Mountain, that’s a sentence I never thought I’d write.  I don’t know if it’s the fact that my timing is off or I’m trying to speed through every level.  Or perhaps it’s just the fact that I’m bad at the game and it’s disheartening.  So I was going to stop and I had thought up a brilliant soliloquy to write about how this game was dead to me.  Then my girlfriend talked me out of it.  I made a promise, so I must endure, I must keep playing and beat this game.  So I will continue and hopefully things will turn around.  Hopefully I fall in love with this classic, but chances are slim.

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